​​​​​​​Welcome to St Mary’s, Shirehampton, or Shire as the locals call it.
We are a warm and welcoming church and would love to get to know you better over a cuppa.
​Our church is open for services as follows:
​​Midweek Communion: Thursdays at 11am
Refreshments are currently at church as follows:
Monday 10am - 12pm
Tuesday 10am - 12pm
Wednesday 10am - 12pm
Friday 10am - 2pm (warm food available)
Saturday 10am - 12pm
We continue to keep all our community in our prayers.

If you have a particular query please contact our Church Office, or even better, visit us.
The church is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
10am-12noon for refreshments.
The Administrator is usually in the office on Tuesday & Thursday mornings and works from home on Mondays & Wednesdays. This can vary, so it is best to email beforehand to check.
All our services times can be found on the services link. If you need to visit us outside these hours then please call or email ahead to check if that’s possible.
If you would like to book the Tithe Barn or arrange a wedding, funeral or baptism, details can be found on the Tithe Barn page. You can fill in one of our contact forms here.
If you would like to speak to one of the team then please email or call us on the number above.
St Mary's Shirehampton Safeguarding Officer is Claire Staynings
If you have any safeguarding concerns please
email safeguarding@stmarysshire.org
The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Adam Bond
E: adam.bond@bristoldiocese.org M: 07543 504 977
We look forward to meeting with you soon!
...as you are
...share God's love