Coffee mornings
Currently, all our coffee mornings are held between 10am and midday at St Mary's Church on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Please note there is no coffee morning on a Thursday when we hold our midweek Communion service at 11am.
Our coffee mornings provide outreach to the community and the opportunity for people to socialise, whilst also providing the chance to seek spiritual solace or advice within the privacy of the Memorial Chapel or elsewhere within the church. Coffees/ teas with a biscuit are £1.50 per mug/cup.
There is a toy area for young children to play in.
Welcoming Space
Free hot lunch available to all on Fridays 12 - 2pm with a variety of food available including vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options.
Children's play area available.
Any donations gratefully received.
Prayer Hub
The Prayer Hub is on Wednesdays from 10.15 - 11.45am.
Would you value prayer? It could be for something significant happening in your life or simply to know inner peace more fully. We will lift you and your concerns in prayer both in silence and words.
You can just turn up or book online here.
Bookings will take priority, so to guarantee a time of your choice we would encourage you to book.
If you want to know more about the Prayer Hub, please click on the picture opposite to play a video.
Crafting Group
An informal crafting group meets at St Mary's Shirehampton on the 2nd Saturday of each month, during our coffee morning at 10am - 12pm.
Come along if you have a craft skill you could share with others, would like to learn a new craft, or simply wish to bring along some craft you are currently working on and wish to continue with some company.
Mothers' Union
This meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at
2.30 - 4pm in the Tithe Barn. We start each meeting with prayers, followed by a speaker, or we go on a trip or join in with deanery events. We finish with refreshments and raise money for various charities supported by Bristol Diocese. If interested please contact Julie Smith via the Parish Office or just turn up. There is an annual fee of £30 but there is no charge for the first session if you would like to join us and see if you would like to continue.
Goldies Sing & Smile UK
This is held on the 1st Wednesday of the month at
10.30 - 11.30am in St Mary's Church. It's not a choir but a sing-along session using the popular memory-evoking hits from the 50s onwards. It is also an opportunity to chat and make new friends. Everyone is welcome. There is a small charge of £2 per person per session, payable to Goldies.
Chair aerobics
This is held every Tuesday 10-11 am at the Tithe Barn and helps improve strength, stability and balance with seated and gentle standing exercises.
£6 charge to provider.