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Alison Sowton_edited.jpg
Rev Alison Sowton


0117 330 3452 / 0773 971 2548

Rev Trevor Hearn
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Rev Duncan Jennings
Anne Ford
Eleanor Beddoes

Parish Administrator & Treasurer

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Sharon Viney

Safeguarding Officer

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Amy Boucher

PCC and Steering Group

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the body that, with the curate, steers the life of the church in its mission, witness and service in the parish and are the charity trustees of the parish. The Steering Group acts as our standing committee to help inform the PCC in their decision making.


Vergers and support team

We have an amazing team of vergers, paid staff and willing volunteers at St Mary's who ensure the smooth running of the church on a day-to-day basis. Jill Eynon (head verger), Chris Eynon and Colin Godfrey (assistant vergers) assist in preparing the church for all services, welcoming newcomers and maintaining the fabric of the building in collaboration with the church wardens and PCC.


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